Simone Cremaschi

Bocconi University


I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Bocconi University, Dondena Centre, studying topics in political sociology, comparative political economy, and public policy.

research. My research investigates the micro-foundations of political conflict over immigration and its interactions with macro societal change and group identities. I address the following key questions:

immigrant exploitation and ethnic boundary making. How demand for exploited farm labor enables immigrants’ underground organization and shapes their ethnic community choices;

access to public services and support for the far-right. How public service deprivation generates a lasting sense of abandonment by the state and strenghtens support for anti-immigrant political platforms;

collective memory and anti-fascism. How local communities preserve memories of armed resistance to fascism and mobilize them to counter contemporary far-right pressures;

the electoral consequences of climate change. Why climate-related natural disasters may fail to increase support for environmental policy and instead strenghten far-right parties.

I combine multiple types of methods and evidence, often involving extensive qualitative fieldwork and design-based causal inference, and developing new approaches to combine the two.

vita. I received my PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute. My PhD has won the 2021 IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Award as the best dissertation on migration, integration, and social cohesion in Europe. My research has been generously funded by the United Nations World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Leiden University, and Fondazione Roberto Franceschi. I have spent visiting periods at Columbia University, the WZB Berlin, ETH Zurich-Immigration Policy Lab, and Bocconi University. I have collaborated on social and research dissemination projects with civil society organizations such as Fondazione Roberto Franceschi, Associazione Naga, and Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.

contacts. To get in touch, you can send me an email at simone [dot] cremaschi [at] unibocconi [dot] it.